Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Sometimes you just don't want to hear what you have to change. Haven't I done enough I think? Actually my brain is screaming, haven't I done enough.!!!!! And the answer is Yes and well NO!
Not if you want the image to speak clearer.

This weekend I went to an illustrator workshop with SCBWI and received some specific comments.
I am taking what I heard and believe to be true as well and making some changes. I think the hardest part is getting from hearing what needs to be done to sitting down and making that happen. It's the resistance in between. But then once I get going, I see there are other changes that would help the image come to life and be stronger as well.

So today I am working on really refining one image, making the changes so I don't have to explain, so it can speak for itself. wooooooo! yes, this is hard stuff, but then again it's fun too.

Want to make red thread bigger and as recommended a shadow

want to make the monster appear he is smooshing down the roofs...

playing with colors 
getting closer....

changes are happening, because I am making them-

one little red thread at a time.