Friday, February 22, 2019

3 things

There is so much that inspires and nourishes me. Picking 3 recent things from time to time helps to notice them and give some of them a place to be shared.

1. this Ted talk. I just listened to it this morning and I think perhaps it inspired me to sit down and write this little post. It's about the practice, all our practices, "What you practice GROWS!" love that and so true regardless of what it is. Listening to this tuned me in and gave me some space to wonder what am I practicing? and what do I want to grow?

2. I keep a list on my phone of things I over hear, fragments and bits of conversation.
This is one:

3. This beautiful picture book and I mean gorgeous color and paper and cut outs and yum.
The Forest  Written by Riccardo Bozzi Illustrated by Violeta Lopiz and Valerio Vidali.