Thursday, September 9, 2021
Make Meatballs Sing
Thursday, August 26, 2021
3 things
1. Discovered this Alan Watts Being in the Way podcast. While listening I picked up on the saying Ji-Ji-Mu-Ge. What it means I can't actually articulate quite yet, still learning that. But I do like saying it
2. The Japanese art movement Gutai begun by artist Jiro Yoshihara. It means concrete or embodiment and was focused on breaking boundaries, experimenting with materials, and doing what no one has done before. Below is an image of Jiro Yoshihara's Please Draw Freely piece from 1956 which this month was recreated at the Tate.
3. After reading this article I decided to try it myself, read one poem every day for a month. I chose this Emily Dickinson poem kind of randomly. Took book off shelf and flipped to any page. Next time I may take some more time to consciously choose. But for now, I read this when I wake up.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Its a continual forgetting and remembering
Going through some images on my computer and found this ink drawing from a bit ago.
It reminds me that I will forget, this way of being, this creative place. And also I will remember. For me this is a constant pattern. Some days months hours are more consistent and fruitful and feel I am living and being in the creative space I love to be. But then others well, it seems it is gone or vanished and I am floating in this space between where I am and where I prefer to be. Where I prefer to be is in this elusive here- fully present, engaged, heart committed, connected to some energy and way that knows more then me and yet includes me in the process. This creative process where I am always learning.
"When I forgot: this time could have been days even weeks ago. All I can see has shifted to include more luminous delight more space with feeling without need to change, check, complete, grasp, gasp i can breath what i don't know again, there is a patient self on inside between within and she connects mountains with breeze and i thank her for showing up here on after many rain bare clinging hours. I wish I knew exactly how she, i , we arrived. Could be lucky apron, soup, yoga from yesterday, new paint, walk,..something returned me to this trust open free. Maybe it was the music. But now i remember."
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
3 things- which all happen to be videos
1.Remy Charlip this whole video and when he says, "sometimes I would only dance in my head...."
2. Laurie Anderson advice: "Whatever makes you feel free, that's what to do. It's really simple."from this video. Love her!
3. Ashley Brown, this video,
and this one
Monday, February 1, 2021
Notes from Being in the Making
I have a few boxes of notes that i jot scribble mark down while I'm making something else. Over the years these notes have developed some patterns, repeats, themes. One of them is this, that my process knows more then I do. It has a way and it also has needs. Some days it needs more room and time to let loose and go without ANY idea or constraint as to WHAT it is creating. This is full out play mode which can get messy and wild. And then some days the process wants a smaller path, wants to have an aim wants some limits and guidelines with it's direction. Both of these approaches to sitting down and creating are necessary atleast for me. And I'm learning to experience them both which is always a practice.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
3 things
3 things- a practice in taking notice and time to share any three things that inspired me recently
1. This Book by M.C. Richards. To learn a bit more about her start here.
“The creative spirit creates with whatever materials are present, with
an umbrella, or a wineglass, or a torch. We are not craftsmen only
during studio hours. Any more than a man is wise only in his library. Or
devout only in church. The material is not the sign of the creative
feeling for life: of the warmth and sympathy and reverence which foster
being; techniques are not the sign; “art” is not the sign. The sign is
the light that dwells within the act, whatever its nature or its
medium.” - M. C. Richards
There is so much within these pages to underline. It's about more then pottery and poetry for sure. For anyone living and wanting to live more from and into their creative life.
2. This Documentary- A Life on our Planet
Favorite quote from the film "We must re-wild the world."- David Attenborough
3. Always something from On Being Podcast- this episode, Violinist Gaelynn Lea
Monday, January 11, 2021
And so we go into a new year!
Connect with your joy, what makes time open up and feel infinite. Go there. Go there more. That is a healing place. A place to renew, nourish, discover, and create.