I give myself Do-ables when I feel like I am spinning empty wheels not really gaining any momentum on any project. A Do-able is something I CAN complete and DO. It's not running the whole marathon, writing a whole book, cleaning out the whole house, it is writing for 10 minutes, maybe even 5, maybe even just opening up a notebook. It is taking a 10 minute walk, it is organizing one drawer. It is a tiny step or goal. Even though I love being in the process, sometimes to counterbalance that I feel the need to place an end point within reach to feel a sense of completion.
Giving myself a Do-able recharges my buttons and creative batteries, it juices the whole system to get moving again and experience a moment of DID IT even if it is not perfect or that great... it is done.
This feeling helps to channel my energy and create focus so I can continue.
One Do-able today was to get on this slightly neglected blog and write something. Anything.
And it had to be done within 10 minutes.

So I think I've done it
folks. Or Folk.
with a minute or two to STARE .......