Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday's wondering, Vision Ball

I spend about 90 percent of my time wondering. My wondering comes in many forms and ways of being or creating. Sometimes this wondering happens with writing, or drawing, collaging, or walking on the way to somewhere I am walking. Lately my wondering has involved the topic of clarity. I notice this word lots in my journal, questions for picture books I'm working through, and even in a yoga class this morning. Clarity. Clarity. Clarity, ugh, I know I need to be specific, and ARTiculate what I want to create. But sometimes it is so hard to sift through all the swirling inside to find the vision that is truly mine.  Until I have the specifics on that one, I'm here now today clearing the space to refine align set tune my actions to meet this ever growing vision for my creations and ultimately my life. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Shine Time Journal, Lilla Rogers Bootcamp

(the one i submitted)

(now: playing with new colors which i could do forever)

                                                 (sketches from the mini assignment)

I'm participating in Lilla Rogers illustration Bootcamp.
 I did it last year and really enjoyed it so i'm back for more exploring 
and working to create some fresh images.
One of the main reasons I like the Bootcamp is to use my skills and drawing love in new ways. This assignment was to create a journal cover with an Edwardian jewel inspired theme. This would be a dream job as I'm a notebook keeper. Have about 5 or more various idea, scribble, sketch book holders at one time. When I was making this journal I was thinking about an exercise I do often at night. It is to find the one moment in my day that for some reason delighted my whole being. It can be anything, that one second when I was writing and felt a word fly out onto the page without any effort, watching a woman in a red hat on the bus, spinning wildly in the snow with my dog and two boys and feeling completely immersed in something greater than myself, or eating a yummy soup. Sometimes that moment is easy to find, and other days I sift through the day to rediscover and acknowledge that one tiny shining moment that feels timelessly in tune with the life I'm continually creating.

to check out the other boot campers journals 
go to:

Monday, January 26, 2015

Power Pose

What would it feel to have done what I really want to do creatively?
I don't feel like waiting to find out.
So I'm conducting an experiment.
 I'm getting into my power pose and infusing a major victory vibe into my moment.
That's correct, riiiiiight now.My feet are grounded into this awesome earth,
 my arms reaching what they long to reach.
It's like a mid-morning snack. I'm fueling my day with WOW.
You can do it too.
Do your Victory DANCE NOW.

Love this Ted Talk by Ann Cuddy.
I've practiced this pose in kids yoga classes also.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Breathing Time

when I'm in the making of whatever it is I'm making my breathing changes. It calms, deepens, in moments feels I'm being breathed by a giant breathing world wonder breather rather than me sniffing grasping for my own air. more simply said, I feel connected to something larger and in this connection, i can settle into my body and surrender.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Being in the MAKING

it's a given that I will forget. One day very soon I will trip, wander too far, look outside myself too much, and forget that this here, this time spent in the making, this is where I love to be. This morning, I sit with marker and pile of index cards and invite myself to write draw breathe. Yes, breathe with such an ease, grounded where I am, no other place I beLONG to be, right here, for this glorious moment, hour, two, this feels enough. I still don't know what I will be, or how my art will find it's place, create it's place, but for now I remember, be in the making, be in the making, be in the making, and all will flow from here.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sketch Drawing

when i'm just drawing for the sake of drawing, to experience pen on paper and be silent in thought, thats when I find my hand drawing me closer and closer and closer

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 tip

saw this while skiing and it made me smile.
 plan for 2015 is to smile as much as possible, 
make others smile as much as possible,  
 embrace who I am , who I am becoming, those I am smiling with,  
and to channel unicorn rainbow sky magic as often as smilin' possible!

oh and I also would like to use this channeled smilin' magic
to some how (with more focus and some universe dusting support)
sell my first picture book in 2015!

and create WOW, thank you, awesome feelings
along the way
every day...