Tuesday, April 29, 2014


having some collage fun
here are 2 to enjoy

Monday, April 28, 2014

3 inspirations

1. Love Ted Talks. Just listened to this one.

2. Great Documentary. Finding Vivian Maier.
 Guy buys locker of old negatives at an auction and then goes on to discover
this amazing unknown photographer. The images are beautiful, and her story well....watch it!

3. Ceramic artist. all I can say is YUM!     http://katharinemorling.co.uk


Monday, April 14, 2014

Hop in.

               today I finally felt it. the air has shifted and I am ready to soak it all in---------Spring!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I did a silkscreen class this weekend. This is the image I worked on.
Learned lots and lots, especially since I was the only one in the class.
One thing is silkscreen, well atleast mulitcolor silkscreen is not so easy.
No, no, no. There are all kinds of technical mishaps, alignment issues, 
things called kiss marks which sounds like something you would want but not when it
comes to ink on your beautiful paper.
I am a messy maker and not sure if silkscreen is for me or not.
Will have to ponder that for a second or two more.

this image below is the one I worked on in photoshop before the class.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dance today

                 This image is a color study to accompany a picture book manuscript/ smartie-dummy
                                     I recently finished thanks to the support of 12x12

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bolt- This smartie has been on the shelves for a bit.

Bolt- is a concept/picture book. A boy who likes to makes up stories, makes up this one of how he lost
his left BOLT (the fastest sneaker on earth) The manuscript is spare but I still like it's simplicity.
Really would like to make this one. My goal is to have a more completed smartie by this summer for the Princeton SCBWI conference which I have been attending for a few summers.
                               Here are sketches from the BOLT smartie (dummy) on my drawing table.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

3 inspirations this week

1. Love this book http://www.theartoftheidea.com
     Have had it hanging around for awhile and just picked it up again. All his observations are
     both so true and funny. Also really enjoy the collages, If you are intrigued at all but ideas:
    the where, who, what, how to them, check the book out.

Read the above, I couldn't believe it either. 
showed this to my son who has trouble spelling 
and he too was amazed and maybe a bit relieved. It seems all we really need to get right is 
the first and last letter of a word for others to be able to read what it is.

2. this Ted Talk, loved not only what he had to say but how he said it. My favorite phrase from the talk
           was ROARING SILENCE. yum, going to have to use that one

3. This Picture Book. I heard it read this morning in my son's classroom. It's hilarious.
      By Bob Shea and Lane Smith, a great duo.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

something new

must be all this rain 
playing with this today

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

An old Smartie

My kids do not like to brush their hair. And I see the point, lately I have felt the same. It's like making your bed, it's just going to get messed up again. This smartie (dummy) titled HAIR I COMB AGAIN
 was perhaps inspired by me chasing my boys to brush their hair. It is something I made awhile ago and I don't think it will ever get published but it still makes me laugh. Here are a few pages from it as it is, I made it fast and never went back to refine or redo the illustrations.   It was a one draw collage deal. Kind of like a quick comb through, nothing fancy.